It takes a village to raise a...networking event.It takes a lot of work to organize an expansive networking event, which is why we split up our work among our different committees, all of which you can join!
If you're interested in joining, fill out the Google Form below! Curious about what each committee does? Scroll below and look at some of the work they do!
Committee sign-ups have now closed.
Professional CommitteeNetwork with the professionals and company representatives themselves! The professional committee specializes in communicating with our professionals who are interested or are planning to attend our event.
Logistics CommitteeInterested in the organization behind the event? A big fan of picking out what food we eat or how to most efficiently run an event with a large number of attendees? Join the logistics committee and get into the nitty gritty of this event.
Outreach CommitteeBring Dining with Professionals to high schoolers! Help younger students learn about potential future careers and paths that they can take by recruiting them to attend our event.
Publicity CommitteeMore interested in the social media and graphic design aspect? Join our publicity team to expand the reach of Dining with Professionals and get as many people as possible to attend!
Gifts and Decoration CommitteeWant to help thank those who attend our event? especially our company representatives? Work with this committee to figure out the most creative gifts for professionals and thank them for their hard work!